Nurse and doctor examine patients foot at the Wound Care Center

Wound Care In Kansas City

Common Wound Care Conditions and Treatments

Common Wound Care Conditions and Treatments

 Here’s a look at wound care in Kansas City.

Wounds that don’t heal normally, or which take unusually long periods of time to heal, can lead to dangerous complications, including pain and loss of function for patients who suffer with them. Chronic wounds typically fall into several categories: Diabetic foot ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, crush injuries, surgical wounds and soft tissue and bone destruction from radiation therapy. If you’re searching for wound care in Kansas City, our team of experts can help.

Common Wound Care conditions and treatments

 Learn more about the wounds we help to treat.

Arterial or Vascular Ulcers

  • A consequence of reduced blood flow
  • Treatment will look at restoring blood flow if possible
  • Wound care aims to protect skin and promote new tissue growth


  •  1st degree – redness and pain (like a sunburn)
  • 2nd degree – deeper often with blisters
  • 3rd degree – full thickness skin destruction often requires surgical care and may need referral to burn center

Radiation Skin Damage

  •  Usually a consequence of previous radiation therapy for cancer
  • Treatment may include cautious debridement, local wound care, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy to restore micro circulation previously damaged by radiation

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

  •  Leading cause of lower extremity amputation and hospitalization
  • Care involves determining blood flow and correcting if needed
  • Evaluation of neuropathy (protective sensation)
  • Prevention by offloading with appropriate footwear (diabetic shoes) and sometimes use of Total Contact Casting
  • Treatment of infection when needed

Pressure Ulcers

  •  Damage to the skin because of prolonged pressure over a bony area
  • Occur due to a lack of mobility and/or a lack of normal sensation
  • Moisture, friction, and nutrition levels and infection will affect ability to heal
  • Treatment involves debridement (removal of dead tissue) then various wound care options to include negative pressure (wound VAC) therapy, tissue substitutes, or use of other wound dressings. Treatment may also include reducing pressure, treating infection, improving nutrition, and sometimes surgical flap closure.

Surgical Wounds

Wounds that are slow to heal after surgery.


  •  Progressive swelling due to insufficiency of the lymphatic system
  • Causes include previous cancer, venous disease, obesity, congestive heart failure
  • Treatment is aimed at addressing underlying conditions and use of compression garments, pumps, and lymphedema therapy

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